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  • 14 of the Best Ways to Use eftpos Gift Cards: Part 2

Our last post discussed some great ways eftpos gift cards can be used to grow your customer database, increase sales, improve research, engage customers, and much more. But the opportunities don’t stop there! Continue reading to explore more ways you can use eftpos gift cards to meet your business objectives.

8. Loyalty Programs

 Loyalty programs using eftpos gift cardsObjective: Increase revenue without increased costs.
Everyone knows that it’s cheaper (and often easier) to keep existing customers than to acquire new ones. Instead of increasing your budget for advertising, allocate a portion for customer loyalty. Create your program, build your database, and watch the sales roll in. You’ve already built the relationship, you just need to remind them that you’re there!

9. Member Retention

Objective: Increased growth in return members.
The key to member retention is ensuring your member feels welcomed and recognised. Some of the simple but highly effective ways you can do this is include an eftpos gift card for paying multiple years of member fees in advance or introducing more members. Even recognising length of membership in the form of a branded eftpos gift card to say thanks can have a substantial impact on member retention.

10. Participant Rewards

Best Ways to Use Eftpos Gift Cards - Participant RewardsObjective: Improve quality of research data.
You already know that researching your target market and evaluating results is the best way to understand your customer. Optimise your results by offering participants an eftpos gift card reward thanking them for their time and commitment. A versatile incentive, such as eftpos gift cards, will increase your pool of participants allowing you to choose those who qualify.

11. Reseller Rewards

Objective: Strengthen relationship with resellers and boost sales.
If you’re struggling to meet sales targets, a reseller reward program powered by eftpos gift cards can provide just the right incentive. Reseller reward programs can be set up very quickly and you can even use different reward denominations based on the size of the sale. Including your logo and or branding on the card will ensure maximum brand impact and remind your resellers how good you are to them!
To learn more about using eftpos gift cards for reseller rewards, click here.

12. Referral ProgramsBest Ways to Use eftpos Gift Cards - Referral Programs

Objective: Engage existing customers and acquire new ones.
One of your biggest brand ambassadors are the customers you already have. Why not use them to help grow your business? Contact your customers via direct mail or email and encourage them to spread the word about you. When one of their referrals makes a purchase, reward your customer with a branded eftpos gift card. This will show your appreciation and encourage them to make even more referrals. This is a great option for resellers as well!

13. Staff RecognitionBest Ways to Use eftpos Gift Cards - Staff Recognition

Objective: Improve productivity
A happy staff member equals better performance. Sometimes we are so caught up in our own work, that we often forget to make time to recognise others. Implementing a staff recognition program can be very simple and achieve amazing results. Recognise your top performers with eftpos gift cards. They’ll love a reward they can use anywhere and you’ll even notice other employees striving to receive one. Tight budget? Design options are flexible – choose from standard, co-branded, or fully customised designs.

14. Sales Incentives

Best Ways to Use eftpos Gift Cards - Sales IncentivesObjective: Increase sales and staff motivation.
We can all fall into a pattern when it comes to our profession. And, despite our intentions, giving 100% can be a bit of a challenge, especially if we lack the proper motivation. If your sales team seems less than enthusiastic, it’s probably time to give them something bigger to work towards. Start a sales incentive program that rewards the top performer with an eftpos gift card. Denominations can even be customised as a percentage of the sale to encourage your team to go that extra mile.

Ready to learn more about using eftpos gift cards to meet your business objectives? Click here to get in touch with one of our representatives today >