As another outbreak hits Australia’s east coast, the media debate turns to how to move beyond lockdowns through higher vaccination rates. Despite health authorities making this a key measure of opening Australia’s borders our full vaccination rates still rank below Kazakhstan and Peru.
Motivating vaccine uptake globally
So, what can authorities learn from overseas about encouraging vaccine adoption, and what part might incentives play?
The US continues to be the country with the highest COVID-19 death toll. Among these 99.2% were among unvaccinated people. To reach the crucial herd immunity levels needed to reduce transmission, estimates suggest 70-90% of the world’s population needs to be vaccinated. Yet, in many countries such as America, and the European Union, those willing to get that jab don’t exceed 65%.
To rectify this, nations have trialed several incentive programs:
- Hawaii, helped increase vaccination rates by 30% with a mix of incentives including cars, cash, and furniture.
- Ohio, offered vaccinated people a chance of winning 1 of 5 $1m USD prizes.
- Fast food franchise Chipotle offers US customers a free burrito joining Krispy Kreme and Taco Bell’s own incentives.
- In Serbia, getting vaccinated is worth the equivalent of $40.
- In Beijing, you could earn a dozen eggs!
- While in the UK, they enlisted star-power with Michael Caine and Elton John encouraging residents to get vaccinated.
- In Israel, a green pass that proves vaccination is needed to go to gyms, concerts, and restaurants.
Meanwhile in Australia
Australia’s response has been more muted. Research from the University of Melbourne suggests “right now, the incentives to get vaccinated are all wrong.”
Their research indicates that direct cash incentives are the most effective way to encourage participants they argue, that the payment infrastructure exists, and that the model is familiar from the “no jab, no pay” and “no jab, no play” programs to encourage childhood vaccinations.
What can you do?
In the absence of government intervention, what can you do to de-risk your business? At True Rewards and Rewards Come True we’ve experienced an influx of employer vaccination incentives. Increasingly private businesses are stepping in and incentivising their own staff and their families to get vaccinated with an instant digital gift card as a reward.
Can your business afford to lose key staff for two weeks or more? Consider how you could ensure your business continuity, and make it easier for your staff to make a health-positive decision if they wish. Call us on 1800 043 656 to discuss solutions, or request a callback.