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  • Why motivating and rewarding staff is the key to a successful 2016

Uh oh… here we are again: it’s that time of the year when we all make those resolutions that stick for two weeks before flying out the window. Hey, that’s all well and good in terms of your personal choices, but when it comes to running a successful business, your resolutions need to stick to ensure that 2016 is a bumper year.

Now, I’ve led people for numerous years during my career and contrary to popular belief, pay rises and inflated salaries are not the keys to an employee’s heart. The bottom line is that we all like to be valued. In my opinion, the best leaders have a knack for motivating and rewarding their employees and in turn, improving their professional performance.
Sure, it’s easy to say but how do we motivate staff?
Two important factors on my list include:
Recognition: you don’t want to be that boss who only talks to their staff members when something goes wrong. Applaud your team when they’ve done a great job.
• Relationships: no one wants to be just another number. Spend time getting to know your staff members and working out what makes them tick.
The best leaders are also highly intuitive – they know when there is an issue with an employee and they don’t waste time in taking any necessary action.
It’s really important that all workplaces offer their employees a great balance in terms of rewards and benefits such as staff gift cards for their great work, exceptional performance or just to say thank you. You’d be surprised at how a relatively simple act will drive recruitment (your employees won’t stop raving about your company), staff retention and motivation.
As John C. Maxwell says: “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” In other words…
Promote a positive workplace culture
Gossiping, unnecessary secrets and so on… they have no place in a thriving company. Lead from the front by being consistent, reliable, fair and hey, there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of fun too. Having favourites is human nature but promote staff members who challenge others (in a good way), think outside the box and most importantly, have earned it.
Communicate regularly with staff
Annual performance reviews are tricky. In twelve months, so much could change in an employee’s performance – why not immediately praise those who deserve it in a timely manner? As for criticism, it should be given constructively and in private.
Reward, reward, reward (where appropriate)
You can reward staff simply by:
1. Sending top performers to workshops and seminars that add to their education and skill level.
2. Giving people added responsibility and leadership roles.
3. Getting in on gamification: this involves virtual points and status building. You can even attach meaning to the points – your team members can then redeem them by choosing a gift from a selection of items (Engage with us to learn more about an appropriate Rewards Come True Solution that suits your needs).
4. Compensate your staff accordingly factoring in their experience, workload, responsibilities and how much they currently earn.
Remember, motivated employees will help you to nail and even exceed whatever goals you have set for 2016.
Be receptive and consider asking your team what gets that fire in their belly going and what things make them less engaged in their job. From there, act accordingly and be prepared to hear the truth.
Employees who lack motivation are costing you money because they are on repeat, making them less productive than an employee who’s switched on and always looking to raise the bar. And that’s exactly why motivating and rewarding staff is the key to a successful 2016 for your business.
When it comes to motivating your team members, Rewards Come True and iGoDirectGroup – the Customer Engagement Company, have you covered.
See how Rewards Come True can help to get your team to where it needs to be in 2016 – call 1800 446 347