Eftpos Gift Card, Promotional Ideas

5 Reasons to Give Custom EFTPOS Gift Cards

In a world saturated with marketing messages, standing out from the crowd is essential for businesses looking to make a lasting impression. One effective way to achieve this is through the strategic use of custom branded gift cards. These personalised tokens not only serve as gifts but also double as powerful marketing tools that can

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Case Studies

Promote product-switching with FMCG incentives

Although consumer behaviour is shaped by a wide range of internal and external factors, there are several themes that have a significant influence on buying choices. For many consumers, lingering concerns regarding the effects of the pandemic, as well as anxiety regarding the future of the planet, have prompted a lasting change in their shopping

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Case Studies

7 clever ways to increase brand awareness

Brand awareness is the degree to which a brand is recognised by prospective consumers and accurately linked with a specific product or service. Brand awareness is vital since it assists audiences in understanding, recalling, and being familiar with your company and the services or products it offers. If you can increase brand recognition within your

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Case Studies

Effective ways to boost your B2B sales

B2B sales have shifted substantially in recent years. While the sales process used to be much more linear, progressive, and predictable, it’s now considerably more intricate, sophisticated, and less reliant on the salesperson’s efforts to produce meaningful results. The sales process has never been easy, but meeting targets has become a significant challenge, even for

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Case Studies

Benefits of employee incentives

Employee incentives are great ways for your company to show you care about your employees. They help to motivate employees, reduce costs and give employees a sense of pride in their work. In this article, we’ll be going over some of the main benefits of employee incentives to help you decide if they’re right for

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Case Studies

Staff rewards that increase revenue

Is it time to reduce your overheads? Do you need a sustained push to increase your output without additional resources costs? It’s time to consider employee rewards programs that align staff motivation with business objectives. These and similar scenarios are becoming commonplace as organisations recover from the pandemic. Issues such as skills shortages, recruitment barriers

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Blog, Eftpos Gift Card

Find your niche in the FMCG wellness market

Although consumer behaviour is shaped by a wide range of internal and external factors, there are several themes that have a significant influence on buying choices. For many consumers, concern regarding the effects of the pandemic, as well as anxiety regarding the future of the planet, has prompted them to change their shopping behaviour. The

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Promotional Ideas

Good, or Greatest Ever – Celebrating Australian Alcohol Campaigns

From the iconic ‘hard-earned thirst’ slogan used by Victoria Bitter to the memorable ‘It’s a big ad’ used by Carlton Draught, alcohol brands have long been creative, bold and visionary in their marketing campaigns. That has been heightened during the global COVID-19 pandemic, with brands forced to rethink their marketing and sales incentives to target

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Tips & Insights

4 ways customer feedback can grow your business

Introduction In this article, I will be going over five ways to get more referrals using incentives Referral programs are a great way to grow your business and get more customers, but they can also feel like an uphill battle when you’re not receiving enough feedback from current customers. If you’re struggling with getting new

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Staff Rewards

Employer Vaccine Incentives – the Path out of Lockdowns?

As another outbreak hits Australia’s east coast, the media debate turns to how to move beyond lockdowns through higher vaccination rates. Despite health authorities making this a key measure of opening Australia’s borders our full vaccination rates still rank below Kazakhstan and Peru. Motivating vaccine uptake globally So, what can authorities learn from overseas about

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Tips & Insights

Survive the Cookie Apocalypse with Consent-based Marketing

We’ve all seen it. We visit a website on an impulse, browse their products, and then promptly forget about it. At least we would, but afterward, it seems like every website suddenly knows we’re in the market for sports gear, summer fashions, or engagement rings. This is just the cost of entry to a hyper-connected

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Customer Incentive

How to set up a cross-sell campaign

Cross-sell campaigns are designed to incentivise existing customers to purchase additional products or services. Cross-selling results in an increase in product sales (and by extension, revenue for that period), whether for new products launching into the market or for current products.  The success of any cross-sell campaign ultimately comes down to the ability of your

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Staff Rewards

Why should you reward your staff?

According to a study by the Incentive Research Foundation, rewards cards are one of the preferred ways to incentivise staff. The IRF Industry Trends Report showed that staff favoured rewards cards seven times more than cash bonuses. So how do incentives improve business outcomes? Motivation and engagement Rewarding staff for doing a great job increases

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Promotional Ideas

Engaging Your Sales Channels

By using reward cards as a stimulus to engage customers in carrying out certain purchasing behaviours, businesses are successfully lifting their sales and customer loyalty. According to the For Love or Money report by Loyalty Point, 82% of Australian consumers currently belong to a loyalty or rewards card program. However, businesses aren’t just engaging their

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Eftpos Gift Card, Visa Corporate Gift Card

Using corporate gift cards to issue a well-meaning apology

Our years of experience in rewards and loyalty programs have exposed us to the wide variety of business objectives that can be achieved using corporate gift cards. It turns out that corporate gift cards, such as EFTPOS and Visa, are one of the most meaningful ways for businesses to say sorry, whether it is to

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Staff Rewards

A Better Way to Launch a Sales Incentive Scheme

A new Financial Year calls for a refresh of your sales incentive scheme to boost or revive your staff’s enthusiasm and motivation. This year, instead of just implementing the same scheme as always, take on a fresh approach and make a big deal out of giving your staff something meaningful to work towards. Communication Clearly

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Customer Incentive, Eftpos Gift Card, showcase, Staff Rewards

Eftpos gift cards: the secret weapon you may not be using

If you ask us, the proof is always in the pudding. So when we’re asked why we see eftpos gift cards as an essential business tool, we’ve got all of the stats and knowledge up our sleeve to justify our contention. But first, allow us to ask you a couple of questions: 1. When was

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