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  • 5 Reasons Your Business Should Recognise Employee Appreciation Day [Slideshare]

Each year on the first Friday of March, businesses recognise Employee Appreciation Day. A day to show employees that their efforts are appreciated and to communicate that they are a valuable member of your organisation.

This year, Employee Appreciation Day is the 6th of March. While it might seem like yet another holiday invented by the card companies, the underlying concept of employee appreciation is an essential component in the workplace that all businesses should acknowledge.

The number-one reason most employees leave their jobs is because they don’t feel appreciated.1 Simply by recognising your employees’ efforts, you could hold on to your best employees and reduce your turnover rate by 23.4%! This explains why 60% of Best-in-Class organisations believe that employee recognition is extremely valuable in driving individual employee performance and, consequently, the success of the organisation.2 The statistics even prove that organisations with the most sophisticated recognition practices are 12 times more likely to have strong business outcomes. Thus, instead of looking at employee recognition as an expense, your organisation should view it as an investment. An investment in your people and your business.

Recognising Employee Appreciation Day is can be as simple as a team lunch or distributing a Thank You gift to your staff. If you’re looking for gift ideas, consider eftpos gift cards, which are quick & easy to administer can be branded with your corporate logo. If that isn’t enough for your business to reconsider recognising Employee Appreciation Day, here are 5 reasons why it should be added to your list of priorities.

5 Reasons Your Business Should Recognise Employee Appreciation Day – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

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1Gallup, Tom Rath and Donald Clifton, How Full Is Your Bucket? Positive Strategies for Work and Life, 2001
2Aberdeen Group, The Power of Employee Recognition, 2013
3SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Survey, 2012
Towers Perrin, 2004 European Talent Survey