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  • How to Motivate Employees and Make Them Feel Appreciated

Each year there comes a time when a company’s leadership team must brainstorm the best ways to boost employee morale and reward consistently good performers. A mix of monetary and non-monetary compensation can make your employees feel valued while also empowering them to be more committed to your company goals. Take the guesswork out of employee appreciation, learn how to motivate employees and keep them feeling valued and happy by remembering these quick tips.

Motivate employees with rewards that are heartfelt, meaningful and don’t break the bank

motivate employees with a note from the CEOA Note from the CEO

A hand-written note by top management, such as your CEO, to deserving employees is a simple gesture that they will cherish for years to come. For new employees who have been exceeding expectations, a personal note of appreciation by their supervisor can encourage them to take more ownership of their work and be vocal in suggesting ideas and innovations that improve processes.

Annual Creative Ideas Awardmotivate employees with creative rewards

Rewarding employees for their efforts even if their ideas were unsuccessful is a good way to encourage them to continue voicing new and creative ideas or more efficient work processes. Offering an annual award for “Most Creative Ideas” is a great way to motivate employees and keep the creative juices flowing.

Wall of Fame

motivate employees with wall of fame
If you don’t already have a ‘wall of fame’, it’s never to late to implement this as a tool for employee motivation. Find a high traffic public space around the office and place photographs of star employees with a line about their achievements. When an employee is added to the wall, you can even give them a personal reward to commemorate their accomplishment and add extra incentive.

Decision Making Power

Nothing says motivation like the power to make your own decisions. Even if you have a top-down management style, give responsible employees the flexibility to make their own decisions and provide an open platform to share their ideas. Avoid losing complete control by having a mechanism in place to control how new ideas are implemented and when decisions must be escalated.

Say Thanks with Annual Staff Christmas Gifts

motivate employees with Christmas gifts
While it is important to motivate employees year-round, don’t overlook saying thanks to your entire staff during the holidays. A simple “thank you for all your hard work this year” will make your staff feel appreciated and happy to know their efforts are recognised. Be sure to choose a gift that can be easily coordinated and enjoyed by all. Great ideas range from extra holiday time to your own custom-branded corporate gift cards!
Most of you already know, a great company is only as great as it’s employees. Remember the above tips to keep them motivated and continue contributing toward your goals as an organisation. To read more about ways to motivate employees with reward and recognition programs, visit our website.